Dashboard generator for custom Telemetry jobs

So you wrote your custom analysis for Telemetry, your map-reduce job is finally giving you the desired data and you want to set it up so that it runs periodically. You will need some sort of dashboard to monitor the weekly runs but since you don’t really care how it’s done what do you do? You copy paste the code of one of our current dashboards, a little tweak here and there and off you go.

That basically describes all of the recent dashboards, like the one for main-thread IO (mea culpa). Writing dashboards is painful when the only thing you care about is data. Once you finally have what you were looking for, the way you present is often considered an afterthought at best. But maintaining N dashboards becomes quickly unpleasant.

But what makes writing and maintaining dashboards so painful exactly? It’s simply that the more controls you have, the more different kind events you have to handle and the easier things get out of hand quickly. You start with something small and beautiful that just displays some csv and presto you end up with what should have been properly described as a state machine but instead is a mess of intertwined event handlers.

What I was looking for was something on the line of Shiny for R, but in javascript and with the option to have a client-only based interface. It turns out that React does more or less what I want. It’s not necessary meant for data analysis so there aren’t any plotting facilities but everything is there to roll your own. What makes exactly Shiny and React so useful is that they embrace reactive programming. Once you define a state and a set of dependencies, i.e. a data flow graph in practical terms, changes that affect the state end up being automatically propagated to the right components. Even though this can be seen as overkill for small dashboards, it makes it extremely easy to extend them when the set of possible states expands, which is almost always what happens.

To make things easier for developers I wrote a dashboard generator, iacumus, for use-cases similar to the ones we currently have. It can be used in simple scenarios when:

  • the data is collected in csv files on a weekly basis, usually using build-ids;
  • the dashboard should compare the current week against the previous one and mark differences in rankings;
  • it should be possible to go back back and forward in time;
  • the dashboard should provide some filtering and sorting criterias.

Iacumus is customizable through a configuration file that is specified through a GET parameter. Since it’s hosted on github, it means you just have to provide the data and don’t even have to spend time deploying the dashboard somewhere, assuming the machine serving the configuration file supports CORS.

My next immediate goal is to simplify writing map-reduce jobs for the above mentioned use cases or to the very least write down some guidelines. For instance, some of our dashboards are based on Firefox’s version numbers and not on build-ids, which is really what you want when you desire to make comparisons of Nightly on a weekly basis.

Another interesting thought would be to automatically detect differences in the dashboards and send alerts. That might be not as easy with the current data, since a quick look at the dashboards makes it clear that the rankings fluctuate quite a bit. We would have to collect daily reports and account for the variance of the ranking in those as just using a few weekly datapoints is not reliable enough to account for the deviation.